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The Books


Professor Syed Hasan Askari's research articles, historical volume editions and translations (of Persian manuscripts) have been compiled and printed in book format in addition to the felicitation & centenary volumes published in his honor, are listed below. (Please visit the Locations page for additional info regarding these books). 


Collected works of Professor S H Askari.
Collected Works of Prof. S. H. Askari

Professor Syed Hasan Askari


·         Malfuzat: An untapped source of Social History - Ganj-i-Arshadi of the Jaunpur school - A case study 

·         A unique manuscript of Maktubat-i-Sadi 

·         A unique study of Maktubat-i-Sadi - A second study

·         Zain Badr Arabi - A short sketch

·         Historical fragments relating to Malik Bayyu and his times

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


2. Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari
Amir Khusrau as a Historian​

Professor Syed Hasan Askari


·         Amir Khusrau as a Historian

·         Amir Khusrau as a Social Historian

·         Khusrau's Works as Sources of Social History

·         Life and Conditions as Depicted in Risail-i-Ijaz-i-Khusravi

·         Political and Economic Fragments from Risail-ul-Ijaz of Amir Khusrau

·         Material of Historic Interest in Ijaz-i-Khusravi

·         Risail-ul-Ijaz of Amir Khusrau: An Appraisal

·         Amir Khusrau and Music

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar.jpg
Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar


Professor Syed Hasan Askari


·         Sufism in Medieval Bihar

·         Islam and Muslims in Medieval Bihar 

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


4. Medieval Bihar Sultanate and Mughal P
 Medieval Bihar: Sultanate & Mughal Period


Professor Syed Hasan Askari


  •     Bihar during the Turko-Afghan Period

  •     Bihar under later Tughlaqs and Sharqis

  •     Bihar in the time of later Lodis

  •     Establishment of the Nuhani Kingdom in Bihar

  •     Bihar in the time of Babar and Humayun

  •     Bihar in the time of Akbar

  •     Bihar during the 1st quarter of the 17th century

  •     Bihar in the time of Shahjahan

  •     Bihar in the time of Aurangzeb

  •     Bihar in the 1st quarter of the 18th century

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

5. Collected Works of Prof. S.H. Askari
On Awfi's Jawamiul Hikayat

Professor Syed Hasan Askari


Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: In Process

6. Maktub and Malfuz Literature V2.jpg

Maktub & Malfuz Literature 

As a Source of Socio-Political History


Professor Syed Hasan Askari


  • The Maktubat of a Sufi of Firdausi Order of Bihar - A Case Study.

  • The Malfuzats of some sufi saints of Bihar -  A case study

  • Isharat: Ascribed to the Makhdum of Bihar

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


7. Aspects of the Cultural History of Me

Aspects of the Cultural History of Medieval Bihar

Professor Syed Hasan Askari



  • The synthesizing role of the Muslim poets of Hindi

  • Sufism and Hinduism interaction between the two

  • The City of Patna - Etymology of Place-Names

​Kashi Prasad Jayswal Research Institute, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

8. Shahnama Munawwar Kalam By Shiv Das L
Shahnama Munawwar Kalam by Shiv Das Lakhnawi 

Translated from Persian by Professor Syed Hasan Askari



Janaki Prakashan, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


9. Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi translat
Zain Khan's Tabaqat-i Baburi

Translated from Persian by Professor Syed Hasan Askari



Idarahi-i-Adabiyat-i-Delhi, Delhi, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

10. Iqbalnama translated from Persian by
Iqbalnama by an Anonymous Contemporary Writer

Translated from Persian by Professor Syed Hasan Askari



Janaki Prakashan, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

SF Cover 05 29 2021.png
Sirat-i-Firuz Shahi

Translated from Persian by Professor Syed Hasan Askari



Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

14. Sīrat-i Fīrūzshāhī nuskhah-ʼi Khudā
Sīrat-i Fīrūzshāhī : nuskhah-ʼi Khudā Bakhsh 

Introduction & Compilation by Professor Syed Hasan Askari



Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: In Process

13. Prof Askari Fort williams correspond
Fort William India House Correspondence, 1787-1791 

Edited by Professor Syed Hasan Askari



The Controller of Publications, Government of India, Delhi, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: In Process

11. Comprehensive History of Bihar Volum
Comprehensive History of Bihar
Volume 2 Part 1


Edited by Professor Dr. Syed Hasan Askari & Dr. Qeyamuddin Ahmad




Kashi Prasad Jayswal Research Institute, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


12. Comprehensive History of Bihar Volum
Comprehensive History of Bihar
Volume 2 Part 2

Edited by Professor Dr. Syed Hasan Askari & Dr. Qeyamuddin Ahmad




Kashi Prasad Jayswal Research Institute, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

Prof. Askari Maktubat e Saadi Titly Cove
Maktubat-e Saadi 
Facsimile Edition of 8th H /14th century A.D. Manuscript, Contemporaneous to the Makhdoom, by Makhdoom Sharafuddin Ahmad Yayha Maneri,

Discovered and Introduced by Professor Syed Hasan Askari

​​Compiled by Syed Shah Mohammad Ismail Roohi


Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India,


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


18. Tarikh Farukh Siyar by Prof Askari.j
Tārīkh-i Farrukhʹsiyar va avāʼil-i ʻahd-i Muḥammad Shāh, maʻrūf bih Shāhʻnamah-i munavvar kalām  by Shīv Dās Lakʹhnavī

Introduction & Compilation by Professor Syed Hasan Askari



​​Iqbal Book Depot, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


16. Hindūstān ke ʻahd-i vust̤á par maqāl
Hindūstān ke ʻahd-i vust̤á par maqālāt

Professor Syed Hasan Askari


·         Multiple Articles

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


15. Ahd-i vust̤ā kī Hindī adabiyāt men̲
Ahd-i vust̤ā kī Hindī adabiyāt men̲ Musalmānon̲ kā ḥissah

Professor Syed Hasan Askari


·         Multiple Articles

Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

17. Maqālāt-i Sayyid Ḥasan Askarī  Syed
Maqālāt-i Sayyid Ḥasan ʻAskarī  - Syed Hasan Askari, Muratab: Syed Muḥammad Ḥasnain

Professor Syed Hasan Askari


·         Multiple Articles       

Bihar Urdu Academy, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.


Princess Zebun-Nisa Facts and Fiction 06 12 2022.JPG
Princess Zebun-Nisa, Facts and Fiction

Professor Syed Hasan Askari



Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India


Hard Copy: Please visit the Locations page for additional information.

Online: Official Dropbox

Felicitation Volumes

20223 Title Cover 02 03 2023.JPG

“Remembering an Eminent Historian of India: Life and Works of Professor Syed Hasan Askari,

Exploring Medieval Indian Culture and History - Omnibus Volume 1”


*Foreword by Richard Eaton



*Authors & Contributors

Syed Ahmer Raza

Imtiaz Ahmad

Hannah Archambault


This engaging unique book (400+ pages), for the first time, presents the official comprehensive & extended chronological biography of Professor Askari in the first part followed by a detailed historiographical section on the recently drafted abstracts, analysis, and reviews of his consolidated scholarly papers in the second part and third part respectively. The fourth part gives an insight into the bibliography of the published and unpublished scholarly works of Prof. Askari. The fifth part shares the excerpts of the reminisces and testimonials from scholars all over the world, paying their tribute to life and legacy of Prof. Askari.




*Part I - Biography

Life, Education & Career

Awards, Distinctions & Honors

Professional Achievements

Exploration & Research



*Part II - Historiography

An Overview

Initiation in Research

Major Writings

Edited and Translated Texts

Edited Works

History of Bihar


Collected Works

Writings in Urdu

Writings on Contemporaries

Primary Sources

Proficiency in Persian and Manuscriptology

Studies of Sufism

Socio-Cultural History

Sikhs and the Punjab

Miscellaneous Writings

Archival Reports

Memorial Lectures

Bihar School of Medievalists

Peer Review


*Part III – Abstracts & Précises of Published Works




*Part IV - Bibliography of Publications

Classifications of Scholarly Articles & Research Papers

Collected Works, Compiled & Edited Volumes and Manuscripts Translations


*Part V –Testimonials




*Part VI – Chronology, Photographs, Historical Documents & Reports


Pictorial Glimpses

Invitation Letters & Correspondences

Commemorative & Felicitation Volumes

Book Dedications

Exploration - Survey Reports

Exploration - Epigraphical Studies


*Part VII – Sources

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources




*Final Note


*Afterword & What’s Next

*Special Recognition

*Team’s Profile






Excerpts from Foreword:

The present volume – the first in a larger plan -- is a tribute to one of India’s finest historians.  It is also the culmination of a sustained collaborative effort on the part of several dedicated individuals, each of whom has brought a unique expertise to the project.

Most importantly, it is Askari Sahib’s grandson, Syed Ahmer Raza, who from the very beginning has been the driving force behind the Professor Syed Hasan Askari Historiography Project.  Indeed, it is no surprise that the two men are closely related: Mr. Raza has proved just as indefatigable in seeing this volume through to publication as was Prof. Askari in hunting down, analyzing, and publishing so many materials that might otherwise have been lost to history.  One can only look forward to the appearance of the Project’s second volume, which aims to republish all 250-plus articles that comprise Prof. Askari’s life’s work. Many of these articles originally appeared in outlets that remain relatively inaccessible even in our present age of instant information retrieval. Their republication therefore promises to be a great boon to future scholars of Indian history. But in the meantime, both the academic world and the reading public will be deeply indebted to Mr. Raza and his collaborators for taking this initial plunge into the vast ocean that is Prof. Askari’s scholarly corpus.


It is fitting that the volume’s essay on Prof. Askari’s place in the broader field of Indian historiography is written by Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, himself a former faculty member of Patna University and the Director of the Khuda Bakhsh Library from 2004 to 2014. Dr. Ahmad is therefore intimately familiar with the two institutions with which Prof. Askari was for so long and so closely associated.   

Dr. Hannah L. Archambault, a scholar of Indo-Persian history who completed her doctorate in South and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, has made several contributions to this volume.  By exploiting an array of original sources, she has pieced together a survey of Prof. Askari’s long and productive academic career, one that bridged India’s late colonial and early postcolonial periods.  Dr. Archambault also performed the heroic task of summarizing, commenting on, and furnishing the bibliographic details about the hundreds of scholarly contributions that Prof. Askari produced between the late 1930s and his death in 1990.  These concise, annotated abstracts form this volume’s core, since they detail the aim, the scope, and the findings of each contribution in Prof. Askari’s substantial oeuvre.

Professor Dr. Richard M. Eaton, Author of "India in the Persianate Age, 1000-1765", Department of History, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA



Excerpts from Preface:

This Omnibus Volume 1 is a joint collaborative effort. Syed Ahmer Raza has done the foundational work of outlining the structure of the book in addition to collecting all the required information, articles etc. besides the texts; Dr. Hannah Archambault has prepared the extended biography and abstracts of hundreds of articles; My role has been editorial and advisory, besides making a brief survey of Professor Askari’s scholarly works assessing their significance in the historiography section.

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, Former Director, Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna, India




Excerpts from Contributor’s Note:

Finally, let me take this opportunity to thank the other contributors for their energy and commitment.

Syed Ahmer Raza has at every turn shown great trust in my work and in my efforts to portray his grandfather as a scholar and an individual. I hope that his trust has been in some degree warranted. It is thanks to his tirelessness, organization, and vision that this project has come to fruition.

Professor Imtiaz Ahmad has been gracious and patient with my stumbling progress in learning about his former teacher. His thoughtful essays on Professor Askari as a historian (published in this volume and elsewhere) were my first resource on the topic.

Professor Dr. Hannah Archambault, Ashland, Oregon, USA



Endorsements on the Back Cover:

There are few people who remain steeped in their place of birth yet project an influence across time and space far beyond their domicile. Syed Hasan Askari is one such rare, and laudable, individual. A native of Bihar, he never left its environs, except for research or conference attendance elsewhere in India. He was at once resilient and engaged, productive and generous in all that he did. I still believe that we would not have a fraction of the progress in research we now have, 40 years on, without Professor Askari’s stellar contribution. His light continues to shine on the place and the subject to which he dedicated his long life, his lustrous career now magnified by this welcome Omnibus Volume 1. Thank you Ahmer and the team!

Dr. Bruce Lawrence, Author of "Notes from a Distant Flute" & Nancy and Jeffrey Marcus Humanities Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Religion, Duke University, NC, USA.



I am deeply impressed with the content of this omnibus volume.  It really reflects the impact of Askari Sahib’s scholarly career and his invaluable contributions to South Asian History.  I learned a great deal from his many many articles and would like to read a number of them that I hadn’t seen earlier. Ahmer, Many thanks for working on this important project - what a boon to scholarship!

Dr. Catherine Ella Blanshard Asher, Author of "Architecture of Mughal India" & Professor of Islamic and Indian Art History, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, MN, USA.



Thanks to the publication of the book Life & Times of a Legendary Historian. I am so impressed by the work Ahmer and the team have done. It’s great and huge work! It’s so useful.  The career of the great historian, Syed Hasan Askari is reconstituted and, at last, an exhaustive presentation of his works is made available. For all the scholars who are interested in the history of pre-modern and modern Bihar, and the history of the Sufi orders in India, this book restores the place of Syed Hasan Askari among the greatest historians of India and offers a major advance for research in History, Social Sciences and History of Religions. Congratulations!

Dr. Catherine Servan-Schreiber, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.




This volume is unique and interesting; giving a comprehensive idea of the ‘Bihar Ratna’ who was the torchbearer so far as the research on medieval Indian history of India and specially Bihar is concerned. This volume, I am sure, will generate interests of the students and researchers of history of Bihar to further explore in the lines shown by the legendary historian of Bihar, Professor Syed Hasan Askari. I would not miss to congratulate Syed Ahmer Raza (and the team) for making the painstaking effort to bring out this priceless volume.  

Dr. Syed Ejaz Hussain, Author of "The Bengal Sultanate: Politics, Economy and Coins, A.D. 1205-1576", Professor & Head, Department of History, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India.


Many congratulations Ahmer. I’m really happy to see the book coming to fruition. I think it will be a great asset for a new generation of scholars who are less familiar with Professor Askari’s work.

Professor Nile Green, Author of "Sufism: A Global History" & Ibn Khaldun Endowed Chair in World History, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA



Kudos Ahmer & team ! One can tell that this (scholarship) is a labor of love and dedication. The comprehensiveness is impressive as is the logical layout. Great job! I am looking forward to adding this and subsequent volumes to our collection.

Mr. Adnan Malik, Curator and Cataloger for the South Asia Collection, South/Southeast Asia Library, University of California Berkeley, USA



The Omnibus Volume has been so meticulously compiled by Ahmer (and the team).

Dr. Sanjay Garg, Author of “The Coins of Dal Khalsa and Lahore Darbar in the Sheesh Mahal Museum, Patiala”, & Director of the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Kazakhstan.


The (Omnibus Volume 1) is impressive and would be a great help especially for the medievalists. Well done and best wishes, Ahmer and team! 

Dr. Fouzia Farooq Ahmed, Author of "Muslim Rule in Medieval India: Power and Religion in the Delhi Sultanate" & Assistant Professor, Department of History, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Forthcoming 2023


A2. Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume by Bijoy Kumar Chaudhar
Readings in Indian History, Syed Hasan Askari Centenary Volume
by Bijoy Kumar Chaudhary (2001)

*Askari Saheb - An inspiring example by A.R. Kidwai

*Syed Hasan Askari - A Profile by Qeyamuddin Ahmed

*Writings of Syed Hasan Askari by Qeyamuddin Ahmed

*Reminiscences of Prof. S. H. Askari by Vishwanath Prasad Varma

*My Teacher - Prof. S. H. Askari: A Tribute by Rajiva Nain Prasad

*What Askari Sahib meant to me by Paul Jackson

*Image of sacrifice and compassion (Hindi) by Dr. Jagdishwar Pandey

*Professor Askari - As I knew him by N. M. P. Srivastava

*"Few memories of Prof. Syed Hasan Askari by Tasneem Kausar"

And more.....

Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute, Bihar, India, 2001


A1 Professor Syed Hasan Askari Felicitation Volume 1968.jpg
Professor Syed Hasan Askari Felicitation Volume by Śrīdhara Vāsudeva Sohonī, The Journal of The Bihar Research Society (Special Issue 1968)

​Multiple Articles

Bihar Research Society, Patna, India, 1968


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